
artist, muralist, illustrator,
visual communications
An artist who happily plays with many mediums and materials, Belinda creates art that is often an assemblage of handcrafted and digital work.
Always inspired by the natural world, her artworks are richly layered, evocative, whimsical, and dreamy. In her illustrative work, Belinda enjoys distilling the graphic essence of her subjects to elicit recognition and emotion in the viewer.
Having spent a long time working and volunteering in the creative arts, Belinda also serves as a consultant in arts administration and visual communication for various businesses and organizations on the Sapphire Coast.
"Be is a weaver of passion, colour, patience, joy, line, creativity, communication, space, story, warmth and perspective..."
Robyn Martin, 2024
Milk & Honey album art

The Tale of the Singleton Pup
Author Helen Lewis
A children’s 32 page illustrated book which commemorates the Black Summer bushfires.
The Tale of the Singleton Pup tells the story of a small pup with a big heart.
Bella is a rescue pup from Singleton who finds a loving family in a tiny bush town.At eight weeks old she is lanky, carefree and endlessly playful, until the bushfires come roaring towards her new home.
Available through bookshops and John Reed Books

Rainbow Steps to Peace and Quiet
Author Gary Rowlands of Feels Good Resources.
A children’s 32 page illustrated guided meditation.
Rainbow Steps to Peace and Quiet takes children through a technique of using their sensory imagination to bring their mind and body into a calm state.
Using imagination to visualise the colours of a rainbow, children will find their magical place to relax and revitalise their body and mind.